

Arslan Çene, Gülay, Elif Soyer, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Investigating the use of CaCO3 particles synthesized in the Ca(OH)2-CO2-H2O system for organic matter removal: adsorption efficiency and recyclability.” Environmental Technology 46, no. 5 (February 2025): 785–803.

Punz, Benjamin, Maja Brajnik, Joh Dokler, Jaleesia D. Amos, Litty Johnson, Katie Reilly, Anastasios G. Papadiamantis, et al. “Instance maps as an organising concept for complex experimental workflows as demonstrated for (nano)material safety research.” Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 16 (January 2025): 57–77.


Auffan, Melanie, Gregory V. Lowry, Jaleesia D. Amos, Nathan Bossa, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Leveraging nanoparticle environmental health and safety research in the study of micro- and nano-plastics.” NanoImpact 36 (October 2024): 100534.

Liu, Y., J. Yang, L. Bai, D. Qu, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, M. R. Wiesner, and H. Liang. “Mechanistic insights of nanofillers tuning polymer microstructures for enhanced separation performance of nanofiltration membrane.” Separation and Purification Technology 341 (August 9, 2024).

Wohlleben, W., J. Rose, M. Wiesner, and P. Vikesland. “Introduction to the advanced materials themed collection: are advanced materials a progress towards sustainability?” Environmental Science: Nano 11, no. 9 (July 17, 2024): 3671–73.

Chernick, M., A. J. Kennedy, T. Thomas, K. C. K. Scott, J. M. Sipe, C. O. Hendren, M. R. Wiesner, and D. E. Hinton. “Morphologic alterations across three levels of biological organization following oral exposure to silver-polymer nanocomposites in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes).” Environmental Science: Nano 11, no. 8 (July 3, 2024): 3317–34.

Sipe, J. M., W. Berger, N. Bossa, M. Chernick, K. C. K. Scott, A. Kennedy, M. Ballentine, T. Thomas, C. O. Hendren, and M. R. Wiesner. “Quantifying mechanical abrasion of AgNP nanocomposites: influence of AgNP content on abrasion products and rate of microplastic production.” Environmental Science: Nano 11, no. 7 (June 7, 2024): 2968–77.

Amos, Jaleesia D., Zhao Zhang, Yuan Tian, Gregory V. Lowry, Mark R. Wiesner, and Christine Ogilvie Hendren. “Knowledge and Instance Mapping: architecture for premeditated interoperability of disparate data for materials.” Scientific Data 11, no. 1 (February 2024): 173.

Rogers, Nicholas M. K., and Mark R. Wiesner. “Methods for the Characterization of the Colloidal Properties of Bacterial Membrane Vesicles.” Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.) 2843 (January 2024): 25–35.


Hicks, Ethan, Nicholas M. K. Rogers, Christine Ogilvie Hendren, Meta J. Kuehn, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Extracellular Vesicles and Bacteriophages: New Directions in Environmental Biocolloid Research.” Environ Sci Technol 57, no. 44 (November 7, 2023): 16728–42.

Rogers, Nicholas M. K., Ethan Hicks, Christopher Kan, Ethan Martin, Lijia Gao, Clariss Limso, Christine Ogilvie Hendren, Meta Kuehn, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Characterizing the Transport and Surface Affinity of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated from Yeast and Bacteria in Well-Characterized Porous Media.” Environ Sci Technol 57, no. 35 (September 5, 2023): 13182–92.

Rogers, Nicholas M. K., Alexander W. McCumber, Hannah M. McMillan, Ryan P. McNamara, Dirk P. Dittmer, Meta J. Kuehn, Christine Ogilvie Hendren, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Comparative electrokinetic properties of extracellular vesicles produced by yeast and bacteria.” Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces 225 (May 2023): 113249.

Exner, T. E., A. G. Papadiamantis, G. Melagraki, J. D. Amos, N. Bossa, G. P. Gakis, C. A. Charitidis, et al. “Metadata stewardship in nanosafety research: learning from the past, preparing for an “on-the-fly” FAIR future.” Frontiers in Physics 11 (January 1, 2023).


Chowdhury, Nadratun N., Ethan Hicks, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Investigating and Modeling the Regulation of Extracellular Antibiotic Resistance Gene Bioavailability by Naturally Occurring Nanoparticles.” Environmental Science & Technology 56, no. 21 (November 2022): 15044–53.

Thornton, Luka Lila, David E. Carlson, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Predicting emerging chemical content in consumer products using machine learning.” The Science of the Total Environment 834 (August 2022): 154849.

Varga, Hanna F., and Mark R. Wiesner. “Relationship between Atomic Force Microscopy and Centrifugation Measurements for Dust Fractions Implicated in Solar Panel Soiling.” Environmental Science & Technology 56, no. 13 (July 2022): 9604–12.

Liu, Y., J. M. Sipe, W. Xu, X. Zhu, L. Bai, D. Xu, G. Li, H. Liang, and M. R. Wiesner. “Study on the mechanisms for the influence of nanomaterials on the separation performance of nanocomposite membrane from a modeling perspective.” Desalination 532 (June 15, 2022).

Hicks, Ethan, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Exploring the design implications of bacteriophages in mixed suspensions by considering attachment and break-up.” Water Research 216 (June 2022): 118303.

Yuksekdag, A., B. Kose-Mutlu, M. R. Wiesner, and I. Koyuncu. “Effect of pre-concentration on membrane solvent extraction process for the recovery of rare earth elements from dilute acidic leachate.” Process Safety and Environmental Protection 161 (May 1, 2022): 210–20.

Yuksekdag, Ayse, Borte Kose-Mutlu, Azmat Fatima Siddiqui, Mark R. Wiesner, and Ismail Koyuncu. “A holistic approach for the recovery of rare earth elements and scandium from secondary sources under a circular economy framework - A review.” Chemosphere 293 (April 2022): 133620.

Sipe, Joana Marie, Nathan Bossa, William Berger, Natalia von Windheim, Ken Gall, and Mark R. Wiesner. “From bottle to microplastics: Can we estimate how our plastic products are breaking down?” The Science of the Total Environment 814 (March 2022): 152460.

Kose-Mutlu, Borte, Heileen Hsu-Kim, and Mark R. Wiesner. “Separation of rare earth elements from mixed-metal feedstocks by micelle enhanced ultrafiltration with sodium dodecyl sulfate.” Environmental Technology 43, no. 7 (March 2022): 1013–25.

Mello, Danielle F., Laura L. Maurer, Ian T. Ryde, Dong Hoon Songr, Stella M. Marinakos, Chuanjia Jiang, Mark R. Wiesner, Heileen Hsu-Kim, and Joel N. Meyer. “In Vivo Effects of Silver Nanoparticles on Development, Behavior, and Mitochondrial Function are Altered by Genetic Defects in Mitochondrial Dynamics.” Environmental Science & Technology 56, no. 2 (January 2022): 1113–24.

Yuksekdag, Ayse, Borte Kose-Mutlu, Bihter Zeytuncu-Gokoglu, Mustafa Kumral, Mark R. Wiesner, and Ismail Koyuncu. “Process optimization for acidic leaching of rare earth elements (REE) from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).” Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 29, no. 5 (January 2022): 7772–81.


Chowdhury, N. N., and M. R. Wiesner. “Persistence and Environmental Relevance of Extracellular Antibiotic Resistance Genes: Regulation by Nanoparticle Association.” Environmental Engineering Science 38, no. 12 (December 1, 2021): 1129–39.